Grapefruit health Benefits

Acid Alkaline Control with Grapefruit Health Benefits

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Alkaline body nutrition and diet


Best Nutritional Health with an Alkaline body

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Alkaline Diet

Most people see citrus fruits – grapefruits, oranges, lemons, and limes – as acid food. However, grapefruit health benefits can help you eliminate an acid body. The secret of citrus is that even though they enter your mouth as an acid food they work in your body as an alkaline residue.

Most people have an acid body and this is the foundation for disease. Pathogens, bacteria, virus, cancer, and many other body conditions love an acid body. But, you don’t have to have one and in one of my books on The Alkaline Body you will find out how to reduce the acids in your body.

Grapefruit and Atherosclerosis  

Grapefruit appeared around 300 years ago and no one knows how it came about. It was known as the forbidden fruit of the Caribbean.

Nutritionally, grapefruit is high in vitamin C and contains flavonoids different from the other citrus fruits. It is the flavonoid naringin that gives it its bitter taste. On its skin, the grapefruit has a phytochemical called monoterpenes, which has been found to protect against cancer.

Very few people eat the grapefruit skin since it is quite bitter. However, this skin’s phytochemicals lower blood cholesterol and clean out arterial plaque. This could be a natural remedy to reverse atherosclerosis. But you have to be consistent and eat it weekly.

Most people just eat the meat of the grapefruit, but the rind has been found, in Japan, to be high in vitamins and in nutrients that fight cancer. The rind is also bitter but you always get a little when you peel the grapefruit.

The skin of the organic grapefruit can be cut into bite size pieces and dried on your counter. After a week or two you can store them in a glass jar and chew on the when you have an upset stomach. Or, you can a few pieces every day.

You can pick up my Alkaline Body book in digital or paperback form. In this book you will discover how you can create an alkaline body so that you can provide yourself with a foundation for good health. Once you have a good solid alkaline foundation, whatever else you do health wise will be amplified and you can solidify your health.

To get more health tips on grapefruit alkaline benefits click the link above and subscribe to my youtube channel.

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