
Lithium: How To Use Lithium for Bipolar Disorder

Lithium supplement

Lithium is a mineral just like calcium, potassium or magnesium. But because, in high doses, it is used to treat a mental illness call Bipolar Disorder – manic-depressive- it is consider a drug by many people. It is not a drug and it does not have anti-psychotic properties.

It was in the 40’s that lithium was found to alter mood. Since that time it has been the main method of treating Bipolar Disorder. No other type of medication has been shown to be as effective for controlling depression, suicide thoughts, or mood changes as lithium. It has also been showed to be effective in decreasing anger and or sudden impulse decisions.

In high doses, lithium is only available by prescription. Since lithium can be found in low doses and is available in health food stores as lithium aspertate or lithium orotate, here are some health areas that it benefits, in low doses:

Increases serotonin in the brain

Promotes new brain cell growth

Assist in alcoholism recovery

Helps to delay, or stop Alzheimer’s

Helps the brain from aging

Reduces the effects of stroke

Produces brain cell regeneration

Reduces depression

Low dose is considered between 5 mg and 20 mg. A therapeutic dose is around 900 mg and some doctors use 300 to 400 mg for certain conditions. With a low dose there are few side effects and these side effects can be reduced by taking flax seed or fish oil. The high dose needs to be monitor by a doctor since side effects need to be managed.

What is interesting about low dose lithium is that it improves brain function and protects against brain erosion and shrinkage. In addition, it protects the brain from medication and strokes.

For every day use 5 mg to 20 mg is all that is necessary, if you are interested keeping your brain function young. Some Naturopathic Doctors have been using this low dose since the 70’s. They have found that in the last 30 years they have not seen any effects on the thyroid function or blood irregularities. So if you decide to use a low dose, work with a doctor who is familiar with natural medicine.

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